Thursday, April 4, 2013

Adoption and/versus Orphan Care

This seems a strange place to start the blog I have been sweating over the layout for for the past month, but I think it's where I'm supposed to jump in.  So, here we go....

I love adoption.  I am the mom of our oldest amazing daughter, Natalie, age 17, who was given to us through adoption and I'm also the mother to a wonderful daughter, Leah, age 15, and a great son, Cole, age 13, who we acquired the 'normal' way. Neither way of starting or completing a family is more blessed, amazing or unique than the other.  I love that God chose us to be adoptive parents, but I am also feel privileged to have experienced pregnancy and childbirth.  

I don't for a minute believe that we 'rescued' our adopted daughter anymore than I believe my parents rescued me or your parents rescued you.  I understand the wonder of grafting a child into our family and truly appreciate how complete and full that experience is.  I am in awe of it and can more fully grasp how my Father in heaven calls me his daughter.

But.... different....from orphan care.  We never once through the process of adopting our daughter thought we were caring for an orphan.  Maybe that was because when we were adopting it wasn't particularly the 'radical' thing to do.  Ours was an adoption born out of a desperate desire to start a family and a deep love for one fuzzy headed, chicken pox covered little girl. 

Orphan care is hurts.  It has few happy means caring and loving kids who stay in situations that our hearts and heads can hardly stand.  It means either giving money to a ministry which seems like a vast hole in which there is no 'feel good' except the occasional picture or letter from a sponsored child.  It is accepting that the nights spent awake wondering what the fates and futures of kids who faces gently haunt me will not add anything to the work of our Father in heaven on whose palms are written every name I remember and fret over.

If I had my way, every square inch of our home would be filled with kids who need hugs and moms and backpacks and good belly filling food.  I am not naive.  These kids come with some serious baggage. We have hosted Ukrainian orphans, been a part of other hostings that have gone sour, and have traveled to orphanages throughout Ukraine. We have had tears and drama. I don't naturally, out of my own reserve, love them all the same. I am drawn to some, deeply love a few, and have no attachment to others. My sweet family loves me and supports me but they don't necessarily feel the same 'burn' to fill our house with orphans, hosted, adopted or supported.  

I feel desperately torn between two families that I love Buczynsky family, our Boo Crew, five of us...tight and connected.  And my Ukrainian kids....the ones who I'll never be a real mom to, but whom I love just the same.  Facebook contact, prayer, money, fundraising, travel, mission trips, advocating, prayer, money, awareness.....this is orphan care. 

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